Bora Nam

Bora Nam is Business Development Manager at Ethos Labs. Experienced in forging strategic partnerships, driving global operations, and spearheading innovative events, I am a dedicated professional in the technology and blockchain sectors. At Chainapsis, I currently manage protocol partnerships for Keplr, the interchain wallet of the Cosmos ecosystem. I've led the integration of 20+ chains using cosmos sdk, sought new business opportunities with protocols like fiat on ramp and swaps. With a keen eye for investment opportunities, I've supported investments in Celestia, Evmos, Quasar, and Lava network. My role also encompasses orchestrating impactful events, such as the Mars-Osmosis Cosmoverse afterparty, Hackwasm hackathon, IBC Summit @Seoul, Osmocon 2023 and Interchain hackerhouse. As the Global Team Manager at Channel Corporation, I steered global sales and business development targeting the North American market. Notably, I fostered partnerships with Facebook for DM integration and supported in securing a $24M Series C investment from foreign capitals. I've adeptly employed a variety of marketing strategies, to enhance the event's reach and impact. At NAVER Z, I managed the 3D Social Avartar Platform Service 'ZEPETO' and effectively organized viral events, partnership marketing events with prominent brands, and managed global feed content and creator research. Moreover, I efficiently handled ZEPETO's official social media channels and English service translation. My passion for innovation and collaboration also led me to co-found Europe's largest International hackathon 'Junction' in Korea during university years. My extensive involvement ranged from team setup, marketing and to connecting with the organizers from all over the world. With a solid foundation and versatile skill set, I am enthusiastic about contributing my expertise to dynamic projects and collaborations in the technology and innovation landscape.