Convex Finance

Boosted Curve Staking. Deposit liquidity, earn boosted CRV and rewards. Convex Finance, a platform built to boost rewards for CRV stakers and liquidity providers alike, all in a simple and easy to use interface. Convex aims to simplify staking on Curve, as well as the CRV-locking system with the help of its native fee-earning token: CVX. If you’ve ever been a Curve LP, you know it is somewhat non-trivial to maximize your boost by depositing/maintaining your veCRV balance. If you’ve never been a Curve LP, it may be intimidating to do so without being a DeFi power user. Convex aims to make this process easy and bring the CRV boost ecosystem to everyone. Liquidity providers earn trading fees and claim boosted CRV without locking CRV themselves. Convex has no deposit or withdrawal fees, and a low performance fee, which is distributed to CRV stakers and CVX token holders.