Haichao Zhu

Haichao Zhu is Associate Director, Developer & Ecosystem Development Asia Markets at Algorand Foundation. He works on developer community building and ecosystem development. Before joining Algorand , Haichao worked as a developer, researcher, and product manager at Nervos project, where he helped with product development and marketing. Haichao was also a researcher and developer at Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing, Tokyo University in Japan as well as Hasso-Plattner-Institute in Berlin. I have over 4 years of experience in Human-Computer-Interaction design, across the fields including Robotics, AI and Blockchain. I currently work as a technical evangelist at a startup called Nervos, trying to build a completely new public permissionless blockchain protocol. Started as a researcher, a developer, and transferred to be a product manager as well as marketing associates, I have gone through a complete life cycle of designing, building and selling a product. My skill set has been enriched a lot from this wonderful journey and now I am ready for the next challenge.