Jaynti Kanani

Jaynti Kanani is Founder & CEO at Morphic, Mozak. Formerly, Co-founder & CEO at Polygon, Full-stack developer and blockchain engineer. Contributor to Web3, Plasma, WalletConnect. Previously data scientist at Housing.com. At Polygon, we are building a Layer 2 solution on top of Ethereum. Initially, Matic will be targeting token transfers with Plasma and will build scalability for the general state using generic state fraud proofs. From my perspective, Ethereum is far ahead than other smart contract platforms, in terms of its simplicity and focus on decentralization. It also has such a fantastic community and passionate devs working for it - I have been privileged to be interacting and learning from so many great people in this space. However, there are problems with throughput, and the resultant slow transactions and high transaction fees. The current system is also inherently not user-friendly. One of the key pillars of ideology is user experience which is very poor for Blockchain applications as of now. With Matic Network, we want to solve these problems. I am fascinated by scaling mechanisms - Plasma, state channels and others. Building any usable decentralized system will involve tradeoffs - the challenge is to design Consensus mechanisms and the underlying economic incentives/disincentives - crypto-economics - in such a way, that you achieve throughput while still maintaining decentralization. And having fun, while doing it! We are open to collaborations around scaling - and we do intend to engender a dApp ecosystem around the Matic platform. Please do reach out to me for any such requests.