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Alty, the One-Click Social Messaging Wallet, enabling Instant and Nearly Feeless Chat-Based Crypto Transactions. The influencer platform that brought crypto to popular chat mediums WhatsApp and Telegram using the Algorand network. Using the Alty Chatbot, users are able to command real time market prices for digital assets, receive up to date news feeds and information regarding these markets and send tips to other users in group-chat environments. Starting now, users can send and receive Algorand and its assets as well, using nothing but WhatsApp or Telegram. Alty made it possible to transact on the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains using automation to connect your digital wallet to your phone number. With increasing numbers of microtransactions per day between community members, it became evident that a more scalable solution was necessary to reduce friction to as close to zero as possible. Interoperability is key to the future of this industry and Alty has also partnered with FIO to allow blockchain based wallet nicknames to replace public addresses to simplify accessibility to these new age Fintech products and bring cryptocurrencies to the masses.