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Hacker, tinkerer and general technology enthusiast. Passionately creative through software development. Excited for a decentralized, open source future. I’m Chris and I am a full stack developer with interests in blockchain technology and decentralized finance. I’ve been involved in a bunch of different opensourced projects and startups. During my bachelors in Electrical Engineering I re-discovered blockchain and cryptocurrencies and was immediately sold on the potential they have to radically transform our society. When I started exploring the DeFi space I realized just how important it is to understand the fundamental economics and financial markets of the traditional world in order to build a better decentralized financial system. To this end I’m currently doing my Masters in Financial Technology which covers a wide range of relevant fields like blockchain, datascience, software engineering and financial markets topics. I see blockchain as a technology that empowers people for the first time to challenge the power structures that define our society at a protocol level. Oh and I also like scuba diving, photography, live music and good food.

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