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The COVAL Platform is being developed with a primary purpose of moving value using “off-chain” methods. In other words, native crypto assets and tokens from other public and private blockchains (including ₡OVAL itself) enter the COVAL Network of distributed ledgers (COVAL Sidechains) where they can be flexibly and securely transacted using trustless models. Transactions consist of both individual tokens and "wallets" (containers of tokens) which are represented by sidechain assets called Emblems. Emblem Vault is our dedicated product using the COVAL Platform that is under development. Circuits of Value is a tradable crypto token and platform for movable value that we are building Emblem. Emblem Vault is an entire wallet inside a Token. Combine different blockchain tokens into a single token. Tradable DeFi Pools. Make any token a privacy token. Make Tradable Portfolios. Emblem Vault is a completely decentralized token developed to solve problems in the simplest way.