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Clan Network is a gaming blockchain on a mission to realize the full potential of Web3 gaming. Current Web3 solutions are centralized and siloed. They promise to grant gamers with true ownership over their in-game assets, but they fall short. In-game assets are still only usable and tradable in specific, siloed blockchains (i.e. Wax, Polygon, Solana). Clan Network is set to free these in-game assets from their captive chains, enabling multi chain compatibility, making these assets truly usable and liquid anywhere. Clan aims to provide a superior development and gaming experience with unprecedented capabilities, by leveraging cutting-edge developments on the Cosmos ecosystem such as IBC, Starport, privacy through the Secret Network, and interchain security. In the spirit of Web3, Clan Network is a community-led project to the utmost degree. Accordingly, the distribution of the network’s native token, $CLAN, is designed to reward the most active contributors by default: Game devs, network core devs and validators. In contrast to existing gaming-oriented chains such as Solana, Polygon, Wax, and Flow, when games and apps developers contribute to Clan, they receive partial ownership over the network. Clan is not run by a centralized dev shop, rather, it is a community-led project, where contributors are compensated with ownership.