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CubeChat, Work & play in 3D. It is a web app for work & play in 3D. You are a cube with your webcam video displayed, and you can move around and talk with other cubes. CubeChat can be used for meetings, office hours, and parties! Some features: - Simple: Just create a room and share the link. CubeChat runs in Chrome or Firefox. A room can hold up to 16 people currently. - Spatial audio: Audio gets louder or quieter as you move closer or farther away. Headphones allow you to hear the direction of audio. - Multiple conversations at once: People can be talking in different places in a room, and can move around freely. - Multiple screenshares at once: People can share their screens side-by-side on large displays. Explore and play: New environments, and growing. - Secure: Video, audio, and chat messages are encrypted end-to-end.