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Decentralize is the best place for learning about what's going on with the latest decentralized tech. Trusted third parties are security flaws. We design alternatives. DECENTRALIZE is a podcast focused on decentralized technology, along with it's ability to provide empowerment and knowledge. The show is hosted by Tony Sakich and Eric Martindale and produced by Chaz Ferguson who all work in full-time positions for companies and projects that utilize a decentralized model. Our show focuses on more than just Bitcoin and Blockchain as we discuss many other aspects of decentralization that make us truly unique. We have become known for our wide variety of guests, some of the higher profile ones being former Nirvana producer/music industry critic/musician/Guardian Reporter Steve Albini, WWE wrestler Glenn Jacobs/Kane and Country Music Artist Shooter Jennings. The other focus on DECENTRALIZE is highlighting decentralized projects that we think are awesome, speaking to people who have important historical significance with innovation and some who just want to share different ideas to our audience. A few examples of these are Cypherpunk Robin Hanson, Early Podcaster Bryan Alvarez, Bitcoin Multisig innovator & former Reddit employee Ryan X Charles and Bitcoin Core Developer/Dunvegan Space Founder Jeff Garzik. We have done episodes highlighting projects like Open Bazaar, Augur, Blockcypher, Storj, MaidSafe, ChangeTip, BitPay, BitGo and more.