EthernautDAO's logo

Ethernauts, developers already exploring the ether, seek out to solve this imbalance and flip the supply deficiency by combining their forces and knowledge. With the right incentives, we can rapidly transform senior developers into senior Solidity developers. A senior developer in any tech stack is a master of the art of divide-and-conquer problem solving. In fact, this is one of the pillars that gives the seniority title. For a senior developer, learning a new language, or even a new tech stack like Ethereum is just another problem that can be crushed systematically. With a skilled mentor — a fellow Ethernaut — at hand, this can be accomplished in no time. The genesis group of Ethernauts consists of meticulously picked, highly skilled and experienced Solidity developers and educators chosen by the founding protocols of the DAO. As the EthernautDAO aligns incentives, it will act as a valuable resource for trainees, mentors, and protocols looking for Solidity developers. The DAO will be able to define standards with regard to educational material and instructional content, skill assessment, and hiring conditions. For example, the DAO will guarantee a minimum wage, fair equity emission, 100% remote compatibility, and more.