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The fundamental integrity of decentralized blockchains depends on nodes that are distributed geographically and by owner. Connecting to blockchain networks with EnKeep is as easy as plugging in the power, connecting an ethernet cable to your router, and logging in from your computer or smart phone. You can host nodes for any supported blockchains with a single click and be instantly connected to the network. EnKeep runs the EnOS Linux operating system which has been engineered to increase access to and enhance the properties and features of Ethereum blockchains and networks. The Open-RPC spec JSON-RPC api allows easy development of truly decentralized blockchain applications, no 3rd parties required for users with EnOS. Personal digital data has rapidly become one of the most valuable commodities on earth and the value continues to increase as more connected devices enter our daily lives. The security of the devices and sensors in your home and the data they produce is critical to your personal privacy and that data is currently being monetized and occasionally exposed by the companies collecting it. Ethernode is developing smart home devices with a different model, It's YOUR data, OWN it.