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ETHIS(Ethereum Industry Summit--Scalability and Industry Integration)is a nonprofit global conference organized by LinkTime, a representative of Ethereum community in China. We are glad to have EthFans, a Chinese Ethereum enthusiasts community, to be the co-organizer of the event. The conference will take place in Hong Kong on September 8, 2018, with the purpose of enhancing the Ethereum community ecosystem development, advancing the popularity of Ethereum technology, fostering the integration of Ethereum technology with relevant industries as well as promoting the communication and cooperation between various global Ethereum communities. The conference will mainly focus on Ethereum technology and industry development, covering Ethereum scalability solutions (Plasma, Casper, State Channels and Sidechain, etc), Ethereum-based applications in various industries (finance, supply chain and gaming, etc), smart contract security and Vyper (smart contract development language). We will invite core Ethereum developers and researchers, founders of well-known projects and their key team members as well as representatives of Ethereum communities worldwide to share the latest development of Ethereum technology, its industry integration and future development trends. There will be around 800 attendees in total, including thought leaders in this field, blockchain enthusiasts and media from China and abroad. The conference will also cover two panels centering on “Security of Smart Contract” in the morning and “Decentralized Exchanges” in the afternoon, which will be one of the highlights of the conference.