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Felblob stands for Forget Everything Let’s Build Life on Blockchain. It is an identity and a voice that supports all blockchain projects, beliefs, ideas, thoughts, and emotions. Through this identity we present thoughts and opinions from the perspective that life as we know it will soon be re-created on the blockchain. We produce content in various formats that exposes topics not talked about by the mainstream cryptocurrency community from the perspective of someone who uses the technology daily in all aspects of my life. It is also a platform where anyone can express their opinion on any topic that is blockchain or distributed ledger related and follows the general idea of Felblob. Any form of content that you would like to have hosted on the Felblob platform can be sent to us via email and if approved will be hosted on a personal page created for the content producer. Our hope is that by sharing our thoughts through a platform that is agnostic to peoples wants or expectations with the blockchain space that we can remove the tribalism that prevents us from working together to build a better future.