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Hartej Sawhney is a crypto industry pioneer, he has played a key role in elevating standards in the crypto ecosystem and introduced products and services that set the industry benchmark for blockchain security, engineering, transparency, and compliance. When he's not thinking about crypto or building startups, you'll find him designing clothing, curating music, hosting private events, hiking, and dabbling in the contemporary art world. Hartej Sawhney was born and raised in New Jersey and is currently based in Barcelona. He serves as CMBDO at Qredo and is also the Principal at Zokyo.io. Hartej is a serial entrepreneur, brand-focused investor, and an advisor to startups, family offices, regulators, governments, and an array of financial institutions. Hartej has vast experience in Fintech, Cybersecurity, and a strong knowledge of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain, and related technologies. Hartej is the father of two boys and lives with his wife and adopted dog, Shanti.

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