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HumbleSwap, DeFi for Everyone, built securely on Algorand in Reach. It is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) funding projects in the swaps ecosystem. Our first product is HumbleSwap, a decentralized exchange (DEX) built in Reach: a faster, safer, simpler way to build decentralized apps. Reach imbues our DEX with built-in security measures you won’t find in other exchanges. Here are a few of the features we’re excited to bring to HumbleSwap. User-Friendliness: Humble exists to bring DeFi to everyone. HumbleSwap was built with this in mind. We’ve conducted interviews and gathered extensive feedback to ensure our exchange is easy to use and accessible to all! Cross-Chain Compatibility: HumbleSwap offers multi-chain onramps, making it easier to swap your coins for any other cryptocurrency (i.e., why you were there in the first place). Human Support: get quality customer service from real people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. That’s web3 the way it should be.