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Imme is the world’s first regulated and compliant digital identity and crypto wallet. We believe that you, and you alone, should own your personal information. You’re spending more time online than ever before, but third parties are constantly trying to take advantage of your personal information for their sole benefit and putting your identity in danger. Our vision is a world where you retain full control of your identity to make your life safer, easier, and better. imme builds you a lifelong, secured, anonymous digital ID that keeps you in total control of your personal information. At imme we’ve completely reimagined how verified digital identity and personal privacy can co-exist online. We believe you should be able to interact online without sharing your personal information. And we’ve made it possible. Proving who you are is paramount to functioning in society — whether you’re buying, trading or scheduling appointments. With imme, you can have your identity verified only once. Your secure digital ID then allows you to log in to our partner sites, but your personal information stays out of their hands. No more creating logins and passwords. No more exposing your personal details to third parties that don’t need them. We don’t store your information. And third parties can’t access it. It stays securely encrypted on your device while your imme ID gets you the access you need. It’s a revolutionary new way of doing business. And it’s a much safer way of living.