Interchain Builders Program's logo

Interchain Builders Program provides mentorship, structured support and guidance for teams who build chains in Cosmos, using at least one component of the Cosmos Stack: Tendermint, CosmosSDK, CosmWasm and IBC. The offering includes clear guidance across categories such as handling the regulatory environment, incorporation, fundraising, token structuring, and technical and product support. We help teams navigate the ecosystem through giving access to our large network of investors, exchanges, custodians, auditors, development and design agencies, data providers and infrastructure partners. “In a perfect world, Web3 builders would just hack with their friends and launch products in the open.” Unfortunately, the reality is that launching a new chain from idea to mainnet can be complex, with many roadblocks and tough decisions that have significant implications on the project’s trajectory. Structured support and ecosystem navigation for new chains is much-needed.