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Koi is crowdsourcing a semantic web, and funding incentives to build it through data marketplaces and SaaS web services. Our network of peer devices communally scans the internet and converts it into a standardized format. We are building a DAO to be the caretaker of the internet. The Koi Network provides incentives for participants to create or find the best content, store it permanently, and receive dividends when the archive is viewed in the future. Through the use of the Koi Network and Arweave’s Permaweb [Williams, 2018], participants will soon be able to earn lifelong dividends for submitting content that receives attention in the future. Further, the royalty streams created by these submissions to Koi are themselves tradable on Profit Sharing Token exchanges — creating a liquid futures market for attention. Anyone with an internet connection can install the Koi desktop app to actasa witness to this process, and receive a share of the rewards for helping to ensure that the archive isa valid and accurate representation of the original content. Additionally, we provide an aggregation layer for decentralized data marketplaces such as Ocean [McConaghy, 2020] to ensure that this public archive can be collated by any member of the community and sold as indexed datafor interested parties. By solving the problem of web content incentivisation along a new axis — rewards proportional to attention — a new model can be created for the web. No longerare intrusive ads, sale of personal data, or freemium models of access required. In the new web, all information will be available to all people, with creators and builders rewarded for contributing data that other people find valuable — just as it should be.