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Ladder Network is a cornerstone network that is committed to becoming the “Web 3.0 era”, and is the leader in the world of blockchains. The Ladder Network ensures the validity of transaction verification by introducing the witness mechanism of threshold signature. It pioneered the cross-chain investment model, promoted the smooth flow of cross-chain assets, and introduced the predictor to get through the barriers between the blockchain and the real world. Ladder Network builds a distributed, decentralized, safest and largest POS cross-chain network with up to thousands of verification nodes and 10,000 candidate verification nodes. Utilizing the advantages of cross-chain and the advantages of nodes above 10,000, the Ladder Network focuses on data sharing, security and privacy protection, decentralized exchanges and Web 3.0 e-commerce. Through strategic cooperation with ABMatrix, it is expected to directly bring tens of millions of IoT users in the next three years. Eventually, the Ladder Network will dock tens of thousands of second-tier blockchain agreements, aiming at the “100 million enterprise chain” and “Wanlink Interoperability” markets in the hundreds of billions scale. After the BAAS blockchain service platform completed, it will fully support issuing currencies in the fields of finance, supply chain, games, and decentralized storage, realize enterprise chain transformation, meet the requirements of complex application scenarios such as the needs of high-throughput, low-latency, high-concurrency, low-power consumption, etc. in the 5G era, and reshape the industry’s credit cornerstone and business form.