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Ledger Group is a Premier Digital Asset Research & Advisory Firm. We work mainly with family offices, hedge funds, and traditional institutions to help them understand how to position themselves in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. We have developed proprietary trading algorithms as well as in depth quantitative and qualitative models, to help companies understand both long term and short term opportunities. We can deliver comprehensive reports on any asset of interest, along with proprietary models to guide decision making. We've helped ICO's get off the ground, corporations understand blockchain applications, and start-ups pivot to integrate cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology into their business models. We have worked with many companies to help them identify areas of strategic importance when it comes to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. We are available for token design, whitepaper and pitch deck creation, capital markets advisory, graphic design and market penetration. We deliver free market and news insights daily to your inbox through our newsletter, CryptoAM.