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Messari is an analytical platform on a mission to organize and contextualize information for crypto professionals. With Messari, analysts and enterprises can analyze, research, and stay on the bleeding edge of the crypto world while trusting the transparency of the underlying data. This gives professionals the power to make informed decisions and the ability to take timely action. Our users range from some of most prominent analysts, investors, and crypto individuals to top platforms like Coinbase, BitGo, Anchorage, 0x, Chainanalysis, Ledger, Compound, MakerDAO and many, many more.

FTX Ventures
FTX Ventures
For Builders, By Builders.
Tom Glocer
Tom Glocer
Partner and Co-Founder Communitas Captial.
Point72 Ventures
Point72 Ventures
Build the Future Together.
Anthemis Group
Anthemis Group
Digitally native finance.
CMS Holdings
CMS Holdings
Focused on making investments across the cryptoasset ecosystem.
Diogo Monica
Diogo Monica
Co-Founder and President at Anchorage.

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