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Nifty Ink, a scaffold-eth build for creating an NFT platform that scales. We smashed together a bunch of magic like meta transactions, burner wallets, side chains, and bridges to create a web2 like experience that “upgrades” to the Ethereum mainnet. We grabbed a some quick react components for drawing and instantly we were creating “art” on IPFS! Then tokenize this. When a user lands on, they get an instant wallet generated for them automatically. They can use this “burner” to sign meta transactions and we pay the gas using GSN to create and sell their artwork. Each brush stroke is recorded and the work is signed by the artist then stored in IPFS. So it is distributed peer-to-peer and cryptographically backed! On xDAI we created a “minimum viable market” that allows users to buy and sell artwork for as little as a penny. We tried to limit how much a user needs to know about xDAI and you are only prompted to switch your network if _have_ xDAI. Most things are simply signature based. Also, yes, it lower-value chain that has a weaker security model than Ethereum (DPOS vs POW), but it is EVM compatible so it’s great for learning, tinkering, and exploring with smaller amounts of money. Users can lock mainnet DAI to mint xDAI, the stable native token of the xDAI chain. This project is about exploring NFT scalability and building an example “product” on Ethereum. With that in mind, the actual drawing component is just an off-the-shelf React component called react-canvas-draw. We are just interested in making an example of approachable blockchain products!