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Noah Zinsmeister is lead engineer at Uniswap Exchange; creator of Web3-react; co-author of ERC-1484. I graduated from Columbia in 2016, where I studied economics and math. After a close call with an econ PhD I became fascinated with cryptocurrencies, and have since gone fully down the rabbit hole. Right now I'm a Senior Engineer at Uniswap, a decentralized exchange built on Ethereum. I have a B.A. in Economics-Mathematics from Columbia University. After graduating I spent nearly two years at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York working as a Senior Research Analyst in the Money and Payments Studies division. My long-standing interest in cryptocurrencies eventually led me to an engineering role at Hydrogen, where I wrote security grade smart contracts, co-authored ERC-1484 (a digital identity protocol), and developed open-source blockchain tooling. I'm now a Senior Engineer at Uniswap, a decentralized exchange protocol for trading Ethereum-based assets.