Noble Gallery's logo

The reason we created Noble Gallery is simple. Web 3.0 lacked something we both desired. A way to connect with other “goal-minded” collectors that love challenges. We’re passionate about curating art. Noble Gallery was founded in 2021 by Matt Szczur and Artifaction. The gallery represents over 25 artists from varying crypto art and natively digital aesthetics including glitch, photography, illustration, abstract, and interdisciplinary. Challenges bring us together as a community. There’s nothing more important to building than a sense of being within that place collectively. We do hard things because by doing them, we become stronger and they start to feel easier. Choosing to do the impossible is what makes us stronger when “impossible” things come our way. Noble is fanatical about setting personal goals and doing hard stuff. Along the way, we get to curate and vault great art that future generations get to enjoy as well.