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The world's first decentralized, AI-driven marketplace providing real-time solutions to retailers, manufacturers and consumers. It’s built on the already proven OSA Hybrid Platform, which has successfully delivered its services to over 20 retailers and manufacturers in 3 countries. The platform provides consumers with transparent product information and online assistant services, while OSA DC’s AI-powered ecosystem will also give manufacturers and retailers the chance to effectively cooperate and optimize their business strategies. By using OSA DC, consumers will provide a wealth of data while being rewarded for these contributions in the platform’s native token. Smart contracts will keep data providers honest and consumer interests protected, as a unique set of KPIs, product ratings, and rewards are stored on blockchain for accuracy and reference. OSA DC also acts as a neutral intermediary that will monitor the success of these performance indicators. OSA DC’s AI prescription give retailers and manufacturers direct access to consumer feedback, while consumers can use this AI to make conscious, informed purchasing decisions.