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Staying safe online has never been more important. Peergos is a secure and private space where you can store, share and view your photos, videos, music and documents. Peergos secures your files with quantum-resistant end-to-end encryption and ensures all data about your files, including who you share them with, remains private. You can be sure that you're only sharing with the people you want to thanks to our cryptographic capability architecture. Sharing on Peergos is between friends only. Peergos can also create secret links to your files for you to send to friends and family who aren't yet Peergos users. Your identity in Peergos is under your control and independent of any server, domain name or company. We don't tie your identity to any other data like your phone number or email address. Log in to your account from any device, and through any Peergos server. All you need is your username and your password. Peergos doesn't monitor your online activity to sell to advertisers or other third parties and makes sure your files stay safe from unwanted intruders like web scrapers. Peergos puts you back in control of your files and your privacy. It's up to you what other people can see.