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Polarity, Building a community-owned & decentralized advertising network on Solana. The data that is collected and stored by Web 2 monoliths is vast and invasive, and generates billions of revenue each year. The average user should not share this for free, and in fact, should be able to decide what they feel comfortable sharing at all. Digital advertising is expensive for most small businesses and not always transparent. The Polarity Protocol will be completely open as it lives on the blockchain, and will rewards its users and web hosts for their role in the process. As the first project of this magnitude, there is unlimited potential for what can be done. We are building an application, but also a framework that other teams can use as a foundation to build upon and continue innovation. Individuals that participate in the network will become invested in the decision-making and future of the project. We aim to be a fully community governed protocol and will look to put the power back in the hands of the people.