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Polyweave builds APIs for human-readable blockchain data, at scale. Multi-chain by default. Coming soon to Solana and Ethereum... Working with blockchain data is a messy, confusing process. If you go to a blockchain explorer or just look at the data in your own wallet today, it’s quite difficult to make sense of what’s actually happening. All you see are a collection of long, obscure hashes and public keys without any context. Users often have no idea what they’re looking at. Imagine if consumers today had to read the entire source code of a website to extract its content - that is sadly the state of most blockchain data today! To onboard the next billion users to crypto, we need to provide much more UX friendly experiences. We need enriched, descriptive context into what’s really happening on-chain. Instead of opaque bits of random hashes, consumers should be able to see whether a transaction was specifically an NFT listing, a DEX swap, a DeFi lend, a DAO vote or any other crypto activity of interest. On the other hand, developers should simply be able to call simple, streamlined endpoints for fetching all NFTs for a given address (along with useful metadata such as floor prices, rarities, etc), getting multi-chain balances, a user’s DAO contribution history, or more, instead of patching together multiple responses from various slow & fragmented services. This is where Polyweave comes in. At Polyweave, we make multi-chain APIs for human-readable, enriched blockchain data.