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Strudel is a reserve currency on Fantom, that will pose as a proxy for the growing Spirit ecosystem. Our main goal is to acquire sizeable positions in the best protocols on the network, allowing us to grow our treasury and protocol. The Strudel DAO links Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and other centralized assets to the expanding DeFi landscape. Powered by the governance token, Strudel Token (TRDL), Strudel allows BTC, BCH, and other assets to be utilized in the Ethereum and Polygon ecosystems to reap the benefits of liquidity mining, arbitrage, lending, collateralization, and more. By eliminating the need for custodial control of assets with typical wrappers, Strudel’s trustless protocol trades off counterparty risk for market risk while using market dynamics, crypto-economic incentives and cross-chain capabilities to maintain a pegged, scalable, and capital-efficient ecosystem. This one-of-a-kind economic approach offers average users and big money investors alike numerous options for monetary growth and grants more diversity and security to DeFi.