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TPL is a self-regulatory system that allows projects to control the ways in which their native digital assets are transferred on an ongoing basis. By implementing TPL, projects can guarantee compliance with any requirement they set for their tokens in every single exchange between participants. TPL is an opt-in regulatory system that is governed by the network and enforced on-chain, allowing parties that trust each other to transact securely. It is inspired by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), a protocol created by Netscape in 1994 and adopted by major web browsers to identify secure connections to a server via the Internet. TPL allows for the creation of digital “jurisdictions” with requirements that are administered and regulated on-chain by one or more projects. Within these jurisdictions, third-party organizations operate as “validators” which identify whether a proposed token transfer is compliant with the requirements of the jurisdiction. Projects can tailor the TPL to limit transfers of their tokens on an ongoing basis, using any criteria that can be recorded in a registry by a validator.