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Valeria Kholostenko, Polkadot Network Investor Relations and Strategic Partnerships. She has over 15 years of experience helping early-stage technology companies accelerate growth. In 2017, Valeria oversaw international collaborations between organizations exploring Ethereum enabled technologies as the Head of Development and Global Community at ConsenSys. Her passion for driving global expansion took her to Berlin to lead as CMO of LUKSO blockchain. Most recently leading strategic collaborations at Parity Technologies, Valeria focused on investor relations, startup incubation, and corporate engagement to drive the adoption of Polkadot Network. Venture building has always been one of Valeria’s core passions, particularly the opportunity to connect venture to promising startups. Valeria is currently serving as a bridge between East and West for several Polkadot projects and investors. In 2020, Valeria Co-Founded the Polkadot DeFi Alliance the hub for DeFi projects on Polkadot.