Vulcan DAO's logo

Vulcan DAO, Initiated by BCA and Zonff Partners, Vulcan is an art fund based on NFT-focused DAO. It aims to promote the integration of technology and art in the Asia-Pacific Region and even the whole world by supporting, creating and investing in new opportunities in the NFT sector. As a large-scale social experiment, Vulcan DAO which represents a semi-decentralized decision model will spearhead this experiment to break down understanding barriers and safeguard the interests of members. Vulcan DAO brings together a multitude of crossover influential people, aiming to reconstruct the power structures and game rules of the art market, promote economic innovations of creators, and jointly define the future of art world. Vulcan members can pool resources, create proposals, keep improving investment decisions and DAO governance ecosystem, turn Vulcan into Asia’s high-level NFT-focused fund, and enables its members to have access to the emerging NFT economy and share the prosperity and development of NFT. As project sponsors, BCA and Zonff Partners work with Vulcan genesis team to explore DAO solutions and select the best ideas by adopting more open group decision-making procedures. A team of core experts assist in screening high-quality projects in a more efficient manner. Vulcan has introduced SubDAO, a DAO infrastructure solution based on Polkadot, as its service provider. SubDAO does not only connect DAO with DApps to realize DAO’s cross-chain management but also bridges Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.