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Xaya's vision for video games is a big one. We’re looking to fundamentally change how people perceive video games and how they play them. We see the blockchain as a transformational technology where games transcend the virtual and take on a life of their own in the real world. With no walled gardens, free markets and natural price discovery are underpinned by censorship resistance, trustless trading, and cryptographic security. Countless millions of players competing and cooperating in decentralised virtual realities that run serverless and unstoppable. Provably fair environments where players use their skill and intelligence to harvest resources and acquire rare artefacts that hold real world value. A vast growing landscape where both developers and gamers take part in an evolving ecosystem. The gaming universe we seek to create is filled with new concepts, genres, interactions and ecosystems. Despite the diversity, one thing is common. If you can dream it, you should be empowered to build it and play it. A new era is coming. We’re just getting started.

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