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ySwap.Exchange allows you to deposit single sided liquidity for AMM pools. It allows you to use your idle yield gaining assets as LP, the v1 release is specifically focused around Aave yield assets. We recommend the use of Aave assets, as they allow you to enjoy the interest generated by the asset itself, while the underlying AMM gains fees. Should the price of an asset increase, you will receive the full assets you deposited. If the price of an asset decreases, you will receive the full assets you deposited + aUSD (the transfer token that backs all the exchange protocols). Over the course of the next few days, and weeks, we will be adding dashboards to monitor deposits, AUM, APY, and yields so that you can make a better informed decision. Any token supported by a feeds.chain.link is available to be a single sided liquidity provider, so if you are a project looking for additional liquidity, reach out to Chain Link and have them register your feed.