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Zer0 is a decentralized social network to free your mind. Big tech is getting rich off your data. As a social media user, your personal data is sold to the highest bidder, whose chief aim is to manipulate and influence your behavior. Zero is a fresh alternative to big tech that gives you ownership of your personal data, control of your online experience, and rewards you for the value you create. You are being censored. Big tech has become the arbiter of truth, telling us what conversations we are allowed and not allowed to have, while tracking our every move online. Zero is a censorship resistant platform where content moderation is performed directly by communities, not private corporations. Zero is an open and entirely blockchain-based organization that is built and governed by its community. Zero removes advertising, censorship, and human surveillance at the level of code. Powered by crypto. Zero rewards content creators with crypto for the value they contribute to the community.