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Astroglyph is the first mass data availability inscription service: a sovereign rollup for arbitrary data, backed by Celestia. Users can post arbitrary files (known as "Glyphs") to the Astroglyph rollup by bundling them into an "Astroblob". After bundling, users sign the Astroblob to enshrine cryptographic proof of authenticity. Finally the Astroblob and payment is sent to the sequencer to be posted to Celestia, ensuring the data is included in the chain and gossiped to the world. While Celestia limits the size of a block to 2MB, Astroglyph removes this constraint by preprocessing larger files into smaller chunks and persisting them over time. Astroglyph uses cryptographic primitives to ensure that the glyphs users post are verifiably linked to the original sender. This allows the sender to prove (perhaps on another blockchain) that they published a specific file at a given block height on Celestia, creating a chain of provenance and guarantees that the original sender cannot withhold the content in that file.