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Today’s global market sees consumers purchasing products both on retail and online platforms, many a time without sufficient information about the authenticity of the product. Most consumers receive little to no information with regards to how the product was made, where the product is from or if it could be a possible replica when they make a purchase. The burning issue is the limited transparency and the absence of a tamper-proof way to determine the authenticity of the product. We are developing a trust protocol to make commerce and supply-chain more transparent through the power of blockchain, AI & computer vision. We are the first and only certification platform designed to prove the authentication and ownership of any physical goods using an object’s biometry. No external proxies—no QR code, no barcodes, no microchips or add-ons. Using advanced recognition and identification techniques in computer vision, artificial intelligence and decentralised infrastructure, Autify can uniquely identify physical objects even if they are of the same make or model. This solution far surpasses anything in the market today.

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