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Cent, Built on Ethereum & Matic. Income from anywhere. Earn cryptocurrency sharing your wisdom and creativity. We spend huge amounts of time and energy on social networks that don’t make us happy or pay our bills. Networks should make money from connecting people efficiently, not from selling their users’ attention. On Cent, the value generated by users is given to the users who created that value. The days of the 9-to-5 being a standard part of human life are ending. Robots and code can, will, and should replace all jobs that do not rely on something uniquely-human. The only sources of uniquely-human value are perspective and creativity. No matter how advanced computers get, you will still always have your subjective angle-of-view, and the capacity to create from that perspective. Cent directly monetizes these direct sources of human value, preparing us for a less-employed future. Blockchains and cryptocurrencies are radically changing the global monetary system. No longer must we trust middlemen in order to earn a living. Cent let’s you earn mainstream cryptocurrencies that are easily exchangable for fiat money, without asking you to submit to employment. Welcome to the future of value creation.