Danny Carpio

Danny Carpio is an entrepreneur and licensed attorney in Los Angeles. He has owned and operated his own legal practice since 2011, and specialized academically on matters related to Constitutional law. Danny also has extensive background in organizational leadership, sitting on two non profit boards, one in community sports programming and another focusing on community development in Latin America. Danny is a founding member & Core Team at ReadyPlayerDAO, a vertically integrated Web3 Gaming Organization helping to lead the global adoption and expansion of Web3 Gaming. For outside Web3 consulting, Danny helped co-found Thing3, a services DAO composed of crypto-literate professionals form fitted to help web3 founders, builders and creators enter, navigate, and operate seamlessly within the web3 space. Through ReadyPlayerDAO & Thing3, Danny is actively working to empower individuals via helping facilitate the adoption and expansion of Web3, while also helping build in the social coordination layer of Web3.

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