
Decentralize.Today is a digital media platform about all things tech: we publish news, analyses, and opinion pieces primarily on the topics of privacy, centralization and decentralization, Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain tech, A.I., VR, AR, the Internet of Things, and other next-generation technologies. Our writers include specialists in cybersecurity, developers, published book authors, company executives, journalists, and crypto enthusiasts that regularly share their insights into recent developments in the space with 17.000 readers worldwide. Our mission is to provide a place for open and unbiased discussion that allows our readers to obtain first-hand insights from various diverse viewpoints and fosters an autonomous news and information ecosystem. Every day, we present, discuss, and follow technologies and innovations that are entering our lives today and that we believe will play a crucial role in the development of our global society and evolution of our everyday lives in the future. We cannot wait to see what the next years in tech have in store and want to actively be part in spreading the word.

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