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DeFi Nation, powered by Mosendo. DeFi users and founders to unite! This group is for DeFi users and founders to unite over healthy discussion, walkthroughs, Q&A calls and content that really adds value to the community as a whole. We focus on documenting the user experience, for all to benefit. This group has learning “units” which you can find in the groups menu. These include founder interviews, DeFi walkthroughs, getting started and advanced DeFi content. You can mark each video as “done” so you know where you are up to. Clayton Roche, Head of DeFi of Mosendo also referred to as Minister of Foreign Affairs for DeFi Nation. Clayton moderates, does a ton of interviews and walkthroughs, he should get a trophy for his contributions he brings to the game extraordinary token design skills and economic wizardry. Rossco Paddison, Co-founder & CEO of Mosendo is also referred to as benevolent boss-man of DeFi Nation. Rossco has face-to-face experience training tens of thousands of new users, he is a crypto user adoption maximalist and leader of nerds for all things DeFi. Tom Howard, Co-founder & CSO of Mosendo also referred to as the all the Director of Intelligence for DeFi Nation. Tom's level of nerd compares to the others favourably in the DeFi community, he brings healthy discussion to the important strategies and architecture required for acceleration of DeFi. Paul Holland, CMO & Acting COO of Mosendo also referred to as the Chief of Staff of DeFi Nation. When Paul isn't shooting the latest Lord of the Rings film, he is an agent of anti-propaganda, guiding the denizens of DeFi Nation to the truth.