
Deployer is to make launching your own blockchain as simple as possible. This product sets a new industry standard for creating a blockchain. One of the most important aspects when deciding to create your blockchain is the ability to tailor it to your needs. With Deployer, there are over 35 different customizable fields that allow for thousands of different blockchain combinations while being able to take advantage of all of the features within ARK’s Blockchain Framework. When you begin customizing your blockchain, you will see that you can do things such as: Create a name, ticker, and symbol for your blockchain; Choose your Block Times; Configure Forging Rewards and Milestones; Select the Number of Delegates; Set Custom Transaction Fees. Launching a blockchain-based on ARK’s Blockchain Framework comes with a host of benefits. For one, you are in control of your own sovereign blockchain. You are not beholden to another project’s decisions and how those decisions impact your own project or business. Secondly, scalability issues and network congestion along with high transaction fees are non-existent. Lastly, you can take advantage of the wide variety of features in ARK’s Blockchain Framework such as our Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus, dynamic fees, compatibility with the ARK Desktop and Mobile Wallet, as well as your own custom block explorer. In addition, blockchains launched on the Deployer can be seamlessly integrated with MarketSquare . Once you decide how you want your blockchain to function, you can move on to deployment, which is an even simpler task.