
The Diode Chain software uses unique blockchain authentication that allows devices to establish secure connectivity to the blockchain. From there, devices have full access to the data protected by the blockchain consensus. Traditional Man-In-The-Middle attacks through fake PKI certificates and DNS spoofing have no chance. The Diode Network creates an IoT resource marketplace in which providers compete for your business, which leads to the lowest possible prices. The blockchain autonomously keeps the controls tight and ensures correct behaviour. Whether it is video data from a home camera to an end user or broadcasting messages to thousands of endpoints, the Diode Network is a native IoT network providing streaming and storage services for all connected devices. PKI the system that protects web traffic since 30 years is broken for IoT. The governance structures have failed, broken implementations and misuse are spread far beyond repair and fraud is done through it's weaknesses every day. Our Diode Chain™ software creates a new network designed for smart devices. The Diode Network is the first to implement unforgable proof-of-time and network-device authentication based on blockchain technology. Man-In-The middle attacks become impossible and dependencies on third parties to entrust security are removed. The network has higher security than PKI with much lower overhead and maintenance needs. Truly autonomous. Diode allows developers to build new IoT applications on top of it's network or migrate existing workloads for the higher security and lower operating costs.