
Dweb.page is an open source webpage that allows you to share and search content on the distributed web. It’s one of the first distributed websites running in your browser, meaning that you are in complete control of your data. We neither have access to your encrypted data nor can we prevent you from sharing and receiving this data. By design, it’s impossible to alter your data after the upload. Additionally, the integrated file explorer allows you to claim the ownership of your data and provides a transparent logging system. Currently, the service allows for the sharing of files up to 1GB. If you host it locally, there won’t be an upload limit. The recipient can download the file for 3 days. If you choose the private mode, we recommend using two separate channels: 1) for sharing the file link and 2) for the password link. To maximize security, consider using a channel you are confident only the intended receiver has access to. Usually, using email for the file link and WhatsApp for the password link works fine. The website itself and files are uploaded on a distributed file system named IPFS. Logs and metadata are stored on an immutable distributed ledger named IOTA. IPFS allows files to be shared in an immutable and distributed way and IOTA makes sure that nobody can delete or alter the logs and metadata. Furthermore, we implemented the Web Crypto API (AES256-GCM) to fully encrypt the files inside your browser. The Web Crypto API (secp256r1) is also used to sign the transactions, and your signatures private key is not extractable stored inside your browser. The website itself is hosted on different servers, which you can also access directly in case someone blocks our service. If you open Dweb.page you will see a randomly selected version of the website. Uploaded files can be download from any IPFS gateway or simply under the generated link. If you wish to participate you can simply set up your own IPFS node with a writeable gateway. You need to allow a maximum upload size on your server of 1GB. Lastly, reach out to us at info[at]pact[dot]care or on discord so we then can integrate your side on our main page. Currently, we share the IOTA donations equally among all participants at the end of every month. For transparency, you can track all donations under the current IOTA donation address. In the future, we might set up an advertising model to make it more attractive for IPFS nodes to participate.