Vochain Explorer

Vocdoni is a universally verifiable voting system. In fact, it is the first platform in history which brings both anonymity and E2E verifiability to governance. Evidently a Blockchain is a good way to ensure that third-parties can verify the operation of, and data associated with, an election process. Popular blockchains can be really expensive to use, though. That's why, in addition to using an Ethereum-adjacent Blockchain to permanently store election metadata, we've also created Vochain, our own custom Blockchain for vote counting. Our protocols ensure that all information associated with an election, including the votes which are cast, gets uploaded to the Vochain for all to see. Voters may remain anonymous, and their votes may remain encrypted until an election process ends, but the results of the process invariably can be inspected. The Blockchain guarantees universal access to an election's ledger, but what about actually verifying the results? The most secure method, which places no trust in any party, is to run your own gateway node and manually inspect the contents of each vote transaction. In high-stakes elections, some third-parties will likely do this. But if only blockchain experts can verify an election, it's not really universally verifiable. Universal implies widely accessible. To solve this problem, we developed the Vochain Explorer. A simple, easy-to-use web application which empowers voters and third-parties to interface with the Vochain at a higher-level. It enables anyone to view & verify the contents of Blockchain data (blocks and transactions) as well as human-meaningful records such as entities, processes, and vote envelopes.