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FVM, Filecoin Virtual Machine, Smart contracts + provable storage. The Filecoin Virtual Machine defines the rules for computing valid state on the Filecoin Network. The FVM unlocks boundless possibilities, ranging from programmable storage primitives (such as storage bounties, auctions, and more), to cross-chain interoperability bridges (e.g. trustlessly connecting Filecoin with Ethereum, Solana, NEAR, and more), to data-centric Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), to Layer 2 solutions (such as reputation systems, data availability sampling, computation fabrics, and incentive-aligned Content Delivery Networks), and more. The FVM is a WASM-based polyglot execution environment for IPLD data. It is designed to support native Filecoin actors written in languages that compile to WASM, as well as smart contracts written for foreign runtimes including the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Secure EcmaScript (SES), and eBPF. The initial version of the FVM is relatively simple and deliberately conservative in features. This enables developers onboard quickly, and serves as a rock-solid foundation for many innovations to come. Examples of future ideas include: async programming via continuations/futures, capability-orientation, time-locked transactions (using external beacons), parallel execution, native primitives for cross-chain interoperability, computation correctness proofs, and more. The reference FVM and SDK are written in Rust. If you'd like to contribute, explore ideas, or build alternative implementations in other languages, please reach out.