Geoffrey Arone

Product & Marketing Executive, Blockchain Investor & Advisor, Innovator. Geoffrey Arone is COO at Bloom, an established Product and Marketing executive as well as a successful entrepreneur. His experience varies from Co-founder and Partner of a > $100 million crypto hedge fund, to VP Marketing and Chief Scientist of a multi-billion dollar global company, to startup CEO with a successful exit. Early in his career he helped create the "social web" and "social media" before they were media buzz terms. As co-founder of “Flock” (acquired by Zynga) and “SafetyWeb” (acquired by Experian), Geoffrey has raised > $100 Million in investment from top VCs (Bessemer Venture Partners, Battery Ventures, Shasta Ventures, & Fidelity Ventures). Geoffrey has also successfully exited multiple companies and continues to advise and invest in new ones. Geoffrey has an MBA from MIT, Sc.B. in Neuroscience from Brown, and did not finish his Ph.D. in Neuroscience which was funded by The National Institutes of Health.