Hello Fans

Hello Fans is the world’s first decentralized social metaverse where creators, fans, influencers and other users converge to create, engage, exhibit, trade and earn in the metaverse. “Hello Fans” is a new, independent and decentralised app where the content creators have the complete freedom to create the content their heart desires and to be able to monetize from it every second without depending on any third party payment providers or a bunch of legal restrictions. Its a decentralised platform where every creator makes gym tips, tutorials or selfies doesn’t matter, they get paid through ‘Hello Fans Token’ whenever fan’s want to access the contents. If you don’t wanna charge anything as you are not confident, no issues. You still get paid as per your user engagement. Change and decide your business model anytime as per your choices. Hello Fans platform is safe, secure and completely decentralised to leverage the power of freedom for content creators. The whole ecosystem will bring millions of users to the crypto ecosystem while solving one of the greatest problems once and forever by utilising Blockchain technology.