Leading Privacy

Leading Privacy Alliance for Web3. The purpose of the LPA of Web3 is to speak up for everyone working in the Web3 industry and make them aware of the need for privacy (by design). Launching the LPA as an educational alliance helps increase awareness on the topic and showcases. It is a core value for key players like the founding companies, their partners and (future) customers. The LPA therefore is working on launching a DAO to build a community of companies that can convene around shared values, to ensure that the digital sphere reflects our collective desire for privacy. The emergence of decentralized technologies opened countless avenues for innovation, but also, intrusion. We believe that blockchain technology should be utilized to enhance, not restrict, the scope of our freedom. Without sufficient data privacy protections, the promise of the emerging Web3 space could prove to be rife with problems. Privacy is required across the entire Web3 stack. With many users falling victim to data harvesting, surveillance, and other forms of data exploitation, without having a choice, we have joined together to seek out solutions to ensure that everyone in the digital sphere is able to operate securely, privately, and freely. ‍True freedom and privacy are impossible under centralized systems. We all learned from the development of the internet, for better and for worse. Let’s make Web3 a better place, by joining forces.

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